How to disallow today's bookings.
Updated over a week ago

Manage Availability allows you to set the number of minutes after the current time that you want to start accepting reservations.

The grace time can be set to 0 minutes if the booking is to be accepted immediately before, 60 minutes if the booking is to be accepted 1 hour later, 1,440 minutes if the booking is to be accepted 1 day later, and so on.

This can be set from Edit Booking Page > Manage Availability > Graceful Time for Acceptance.

It is also possible to set the starting point from which the restriction will begin.

If the starting point is set to "midnight of the day", the blocking period can be set from midnight of the day of the reservation (*time zone on the reservation page).

*If you set the time to 720 minutes, the booking will be blocked at 12:00 p.m. the day before.

Manage Availability allows for control of urgent appointments.

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