Multiple externally connected members assignment allows you to combine externally connected members to be present as hosts on the booking page.
This can be useful when two or more members from the same company as the connected member are present, or when members from different companies are present.
To enable the multiple external connection member assignment feature
Multiple external connection member assignments can be used by selecting “Allow same-seat” from Integrations > Jicoo Connect > Details > Settings.
*If you have not activated the Jicoo Connect function, please follow the steps below to activate Jicoo Connect and activate the function of multiple external connection member allocation.
Go to Integrations > Jicoo Connect > More Details and click “Connect”.
Click the “Settings” button, and select “Permission to be present.” on the “Concurrence between external users” setting.
How to set up multiple external connection members
Multiple externally connected members can be set up on the Edit Booking page of Jicoo Connect.
After a guest creates a booking, the appointment details are sent to all assigned externally connected members.
Please refer to the following instructions on how to set up the presence of externally connected members.
1. Click on the booking page of the externally connected member whose presence you wish to set up.
(The list of externally connected members can be accessed by clicking "More" > "Jicoo Connect")
2. Click on the booking page where you want to make a booking for the externally connected member in the list of booking pages.
3. Click on the “External Members” tab
4. Search for the email address or name of the externally connected member, and select the externally connected member you wish to set up (please save after selecting the externally connected member)
By dragging the left icon, you can swap the order in which externally connected members are displayed.
The top-most externally connected member on the edit screen will appear as the host on the guest booking page.
Click the Delete icon to delete an externally connected member's seat settings.
Candidate dates to be presented to guests
The booking page for guests will only display the dates that overlap with the booking schedule of the externally connected member. (Please note that if there are no overlapping dates with other externally connected members, the guest will not be able to make a booking.)
External connection member A: Enter “1/1 10:00~19:00” and “1/2 10:00~19:00” in the booking schedule.
External connection member B: Enter “1/2 10:00~19:00” and “1/3 10:00~19:00” in the booking schedule.
→In the booking page where both members A and B are present, only the duplicated dates 1/2 10:00~19:00 will be displayed on the booking page for the guest.